Small bets, Gathering Structures, Rediscovering Ikigai, and more...
Node.js documentary, hunting down bullsh*t, IDORs and more...
Sam Curry and friends hack the planet, Docker Security, and RCEs
Stop letting negative things overshadow your mindset
How to become a Wikipedian, Deception Engineering, and Open-Source Software
Hundreds of curated links that didn't make it into the weekly Hive Five newsletter.
Top 10 free OSINT tools, detect secrets in video content, $50k Google AI Hack
February roundup of what I’ve created: 5 free resources, 4 premium ones, and a new thumbnail
How to use Fabric (AI augmentation), Top 10 Hacking Techniques, and more
Hands-on exercises, informative reads, insights from industry experts, and engaging video content