From zero to FAANG, Creating a full Mac app with Cursor Composer, and more..
A roundup of every Hacker Summer Camp AI Talk, Bypassing airport security via SQL injection, Misconception about the nature of work, and more...
3 Bad Habits Holding You Back from Financial Freedom, Best Things at DEF CON 32, and more...
Phrack is Back, Monke's Guide to Bug Bounty Methodology, The Red Team Dream, AI-powered Git Commits, and more...
All-in-one OSINT tool to analyze any website, Pieter Levels SEO AI strategy, Engaging Educational Kids Apps, and more...
How JavaScript-first frontend culture broke US public services, All things DEF CON 32, Setup VSCode Like Neovim, and more...
$3m Bugcrowd bug bash industry record, COVID prevention routine, Explore AI startup ideas and business opportunities, and more...
How To Use AI Effectively, Confusion and Web-Timing Attacks, Awesome WHOIS Resources, and much more...
Remove Stopwords w/ Golang, Retrieve Deleted Tweets, Access Data From Private Repos, AI Winter, and more...
A Bash Script and Espanso Magic
The Little Bug That Could, YouTube MasterClass, System-Driven Strategy for Consistent Growth, Second-Level Thinking, and more...