Beyond XSS, Console Cowboys, How to be More Productive on your iPhone, and more...
If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again.
Cursor-security-clone, Old-school marketing, and more...
The Art of Recon, How To Start a Startup, The Effects of Generative AI on High Skilled Work, Tiny Trick & Experiments, and more...
Collection of 40,000+ Nuclei templates, Extracting Data from Targets, Using Nuclei for OSINT, and more...
Free Public APIs, The Design of Everyday Things, Cancellation of OWASP San Francisco Developer Days, and more...
Supercharge Your Writing With AI, Do It Now mantra, URL validation bypass cheat sheet, and more...
From zero to FAANG, Creating a full Mac app with Cursor Composer, and more..
A roundup of every Hacker Summer Camp AI Talk, Bypassing airport security via SQL injection, Misconception about the nature of work, and more...
3 Bad Habits Holding You Back from Financial Freedom, Best Things at DEF CON 32, and more...
Phrack is Back, Monke's Guide to Bug Bounty Methodology, The Red Team Dream, AI-powered Git Commits, and more...